The Abyss: The death of morality.

Emperor Xan's picture

Department of Humanities

Psychology/Sociology Section


For: Chief Engineer

Subject: Overview of the Abyss' mental state.


"One man's heaven is another man's hell," as the saying goes. This describes the Abyss better than any other description I've ever heard. Of all the Lower Planes, none are as comparable to the maliciousness spawned here. Violence and brutality are mere corners on the cornerstone of the way of life here.

                There are no such things as limits here. The plane manifests that through its infinite layers. Everything you expect to find here is within reach. Then again, so are the nightmares you didn't expect. All of the writings my colleges have submitted can't prepare you for the vileness of this plane.

                Nothing lasts in the Abyss. The ever-changing nature of this plane won't permit it. Pleasures, tortures, and rulership, over time, none of these things have much meaning. Only the Abyssal Lords, those Tanar'ri of immense power, can withstand the constant shifting of their Layers, if they can keep their power that is.

                The horrors of this plane are too numerous to describe. To quote the Sensates: "To understand, you must experience it." Sadly, it's not far from the truth. The flavor the hour will remain in vogue for as long as it holds the attention of the Tanar'ri captivated by it. Beyond that, if the Tanar'ri cannot conceive of any other twisted pleasures, they will discard the object as callously as a child would a broken toy.

                This assignment may take some time before it is finished due to the unquantified data available as well as the exacting nature of this assignment. For these and other reasons, I shall await you instruction in Plague-Mort.

Hypatia Anaxarete, Shaper 3.

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