
Emperor Xan's picture
Given Power: You gain the ability to circumvent the normal restrictions placed on Unfettered Alms of spells of 3rd level or less. However, this only applies to alms; potions are still subject to this restriction.
1ComfortTarget is calmed, negating emotional effects.
2Lesser RestorationDispels magic ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
3Lessen MadnessTarget has madness permanently reduced by 1d4. (See Planewalker House Rules for madness rules.)
4RestorationRestores level and ability score drains.
5Monstrous RegenerationGrants the regeneration ability for 1 round/2 levels.
6Moment of ClarityTemporary relieves target of all effects of madness.
7RegenerateSubject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).
8Aura of SerenityArea targeted is calmed, negating emotional effects.
9Mass HealAs heal, but with several subjects.
Common Dieties: Heironeous, Pelor, and Yondalla
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