The Cutter's Vineyard

FyreHowl's picture

Original concept by Todd Stewart (Shemeska the Marauder)Current incarnation by Hayley Dawson (Fyrehowl)

     Evenin t’ you sir, they call me Aara-Lynn (CN, Half-Elf, Rouge 6, Free League). Tout, trap-finder, and knower of all th’ bes’ spots to hide when someone’s after yer tail. And if Ah can’t find it for y’ hun, Ah know who can. So what’ll it be? Ah ! A place to take tha’ special someone on a date? Easy enough. Well, wait jus’ a moment here, yer friend ain’t a earth genasi right? Mayrin Byoti (CG, Tiefling) can’ stand ‘em, seein’ as how she owns the place tha’ tends to mean they don’t go in. Chant has it she used t’ date one and ain’t too happy with ‘em now. Or tha’ she used to be one till she ticked off the wrong wizard and he cursed ‘er. Believe it or not th’ lady’s somewhat of what yeh’d call an optimist. Believes in all sorts of ideals and things, or so they say. Ah  think she jus’ drinks a lot of bub. Regardless Ah’m not getting’ paid to talk chant and t’aint polite or proper anyways. Mayrin owns Cutter’s Vineyard, which rests just a hop and a skip from the edge of t’ Clerk’s Ward.

     Cutter’s Vineyard is a rather quiet romantic bit; yer expected to keep yer nose clean and yer drunken parties elsewhere.  Go find the dwarves that hang out at t’ Twelve Factols for that. Nice littl’ place, vines growing on wood lattice work that separates t’ property from t’ street and another fence of it surrounds t’ courtyard on t’ roof and its tables. Don’t let t’ name an’ look fool y’, it ain’t a vineyard it jus’ looks like one. Razorvine is what grows all over th’ lattice work, if y’ don’t know wha’ that is y’ get to find out for yerself. Mayrin’s set up a littl’ archway and stone path to t’ entrance, and y’ get yer choice of inside or outside tables. The ones in t’ courtyard are a littl’ fancy an’ cute for my tastes - black ironwork with frosted glass, candles an’ all of course. Inside they’re more functional, carved wood covered in table cloths with jus’ enough room for about four cutters to sit down at once. Still those silly candles though. There’re a couple of smaller rooms in back separated by curtains. Ah  hear ‘tis a bit of a step up, more private, velvet padded chairs, and if y’ can pay t’ coin to reserve y’ can have it to yerself. Bar’s near t’ back, beside t’ stairs that lead to t’ roof. Don’t even think ya’ll can break into it that way at night though, some wizard’s been paid to ward it. Cutter’s main draw is t’ fact they’re designed to be quiet and romantic. T’ prices won’t bring in some of t’ snob…er, elite rich around here, but they tend to discourage t’ barmies from t’ shady side of town. It’s a good meal, and y’ don’t have to sell yer soul to a fiend to pay for it either, Ah could afford it once in a while myself.

     They’ve got a fairly good selection of wines, catering to most tastes, but don’t expec’ to find t’ harder drinks there. They take a lot of pride in making what they serve taste good, not necessarily how many different things they can serve. Tis somewhat like what y' might find on places in Arborea, warm, fillin', pasta, bread chicken with names Ah can't pronounce tagged on. Tha' sorta thing.Take my word ‘tis best to make any requests a few days in advance, ‘specially around holidays. Place gets more packed than a soup kitchen in t’ Hive. If y’ ask Mayrin, she’s usually willing to do special littl’ things like having flowers waiting for yer arrival and such, for a reasonable fee of course. Mayrin is a rather kind but flighty person, ‘specially for this city. Whether it gets her anywhere Ah wouldn’t know.  Besides her there’s a sensate who works as a waiter sometimes, he’s a riot. Goes by t’ name Shayne (Human, Society of Sensation), thought he wouldn’t understand t’ universe without experiencing working in jus’ about anyplace he can get hired. Don’t know how much longer he’ll be there but last week he was acting as a cook and , well, thought t’ guests would enjoy new experiences jus’ as much as him. Ah want a sensory stone of t’ look on their faces, had to be priceless. That or worth selling off. He brings in a couple of friends sometimes, come to think of it there’s always a Sensate or two hanging around t’ place. Gods if Ah know why. Ah’ve even seen Shemeska bring a fella or two in there, poor guys. Not that Ah said anything of t’ sort. Last there’s Thirin (TN,Tiefling), he’s not much for t’ whole optimism bit, but he has a decent head for figures and business. Honestly he’s more than likely t’ one who keeps it running and makes a fair penny in doing it too.Now that’s about all there is Ah know of t’ spot, and y’ve had yer question answered so pay up if y’ please and Ah can go get my own dinner.

 The Dark of it:

     Mayrin is something of a free spirit, but sympathizes more with the Sensates than the Free League. Perhaps it’s their eagerness to experience the multiverse, or perhaps she just likes people experiencing good things, or she really has just gotten into the bub and the smokes one too many times. There is a backroom in Cutter’s Vineyard, unavailable to the average guest, stocked with various herbs, tobaccos, and other miscellaneous creations along with a collection of pipes and the like. While some of it would certainly get you thrown in a cell, Mayrin is perfectly happy to let the Sensates use the room and keep it quiet about what goes in there. She occasionally will join them with their endeavors to experience the multiverse in everyway possible. It’s something of an opportunity without having to get involved in the whole nasty side of the business yourself, risk your neighbors finding out, or hanging out with the people who usually frequent such kinds of havens. Sensates can bring other Sensates, or tell them, but the strict rule is them only. A few other rules exist to keep it orderly, namely the most addictive and dangerous of drugs don’t grace that room often, and when they do no particular person is allowed enough for more than simply experiencing it once. And while to the common eye the whole business is on the up and up, rumors speculate upon many people who may be supplying the back room.

      Most likely, the supplier is Shemeska the Marauder. On the books, Zadara the Titan is invested into the business itself. Neither have a large hold on the business, since it’s just a bit of investment and jink for them. The opportunity for more investment or business hasn’t come their way, mostly because Mayrin doesn’t want to get involved so tightly in those webs that she gets trapped, bought out, or worse. Thirin is the one who actually makes the runs between Shemeska’s employee/minion/contact and the Vineyard. What kind of connections he possesses, is up for speculation.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Nice location

A good spot for cuisine then? The patois in the introduction is a bit thick to understand in places. You might want to use less of that and more of the Cant words. But good work.

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