The Crop Circles of Arvandor

Loki De Carabas's picture

Pour me another and show me the color of your jink, and I will lighten a dark that may help you get there. Excellent.Listen here cutter, there are those who will tell you that Arvandor is all fields, trees and insufferably smug elves. These things are true chant. There are those who will speak of the Standing Stones and the power that Correllon's Court raises from them. This is also true chant, but far from all the dark of the matter. The Standing Stones are only one expression of power here.In some of the less travelled fields of Arvandor lie sacred sites of a more temporary nature. There sometimes appear, at seeming random, areas where the tall wild grasses of the fields have been laid flat. I was told by a local Avariel sage that the stalks of the grasses remain unbroken and unharmed by this new posture. These flattened areas form complex paths where nothing rises more than ankle heigth on a cranium rat.These intersecting pathways and broad open spaces wind, twist and intersect in inscrutable patterns. It is said that walking a complete circuit of one of these designs will allow the one doing so to instantly greater planeshift (as the spell) to any point in the multiverse. It is also said to imbue them with True Sight (as the spell) for days afterwards. Myself, I'd love to see some bubber try to get into The Cage that way. Ha! I'll bet a hundred jink he would'nt like wherever Her Serenity sends him.......Why do they call 'em Crop Circles you ask? Well, I don't rightly recall......Ah, thank you. Excellent vintage by the way. I believe I do remember something, after all. There was that Avariel sage I spoke of, do you recall? Well cutter, he took me up. That's right, up. Into the sky above the field where I could see. Looking down through the crisp air I saw the flattened grasses resolve into patterns. Curving, interlocking, and arcane which all shared the form of the circle as an integral element...As to the dark of the where they come from, even the 'Loths have nothing to say. Some say they are spontaneous expressions of Arvandor itself, some attribute them to the local Powers, there are even those who say they are Xoasitect pranks given life by the inherent magic of Correllon's Court. Does it really matter ? If you can find them they should get you where you're going.-Inspired by Roger Zelazney's Amber and Discovery Channel's special on Crop Circles.

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