
Center of All's picture


"I've been traveling the Plane of Salt for some time, cutter, seeking out new sites.  There's one deep in the plane that the natives call Resonance.  Want to hear some of the chant on it?  Well, just listen closely.

"Resonance is in a cavern at the end of a tunnel that burrows right through a large mountain of solid crystal salt.  A body could climb the mountain easy if he had the right tools; it's just like normal stone.  Inside, though, the whole tunnel and cavern glow with a warm white light.  Anyway, you find this tunnel in the side of the mountain and you follow it until you reach the cavern.  There's only one tunnel so you can't get lost.  Unless you're bubbed, of course.  But what a bubber's doin' on Salt is beyond me. 

"You'll know you're getting close to Resonance because you'll hear it.  The faint echoes of a gentle sound resonating off the crystalline salt.  It sounds like a xylophone or a marimba, as if some great unseen entity were playing a tune on the endless crystal salt.  Something else you'll notice if you're peery: the humidity rises gradually as you get deeper into the tunnel.  That's right, berk.  Humidity on the Plane of Salt.

"The sight of Resonance itself is simply awe-inspiring.  Salt stalactites hang from the ceiling of the cavern and stalagmites reach up from the floor.  In the center of the cavern is a large lake of water.  Real water.  Sure, it's briny and undrinkable without the right magic, but it's still real water.  And what's more is the walls, ceiling, and floor all glisten with moisture, an impossibility on Salt.  What's really impressive about the cave, though, is the music.  The gentle tones resonate out through the cavern, in a soothing, but almost mournful melody.  It echoes all throughout the cavern, and the light emanating up from the depths of the lake seems to almost dance a slow dance in time with the music.  There seems to be some kind of intelligent design behind the slow, sad tune, but nobody I know has ever been able to find a source.  A couple of other canny cutters I've shown the place to have tried to find the source of the rhythm.  One of 'em makes a convincing case for water drippin' off the ceiling.  Another says it's the spirit of a sad soul playing his dirge in the cavern.  I don't know what the real dark is, but the place is absolutely beautiful.

"If it weren't on Salt, I'd go there much more often."

-- Talis Sagi, Sensate and Planar Explorer

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