Letters from Baator 4: The Basics of Psychology.
Department of Humanities
Psychology/Sociology Section
For: Chief EngineerSubject: Doctrine of the mind
The Baatezu have learned how to unlock the minds of mortals and even some immortals. In accordance with the Rule of Threes, the Baatezu have divided the mind into three distinct parts. They call them the ego, the superego, and the id. Through these divisions, the Baatezu can estimate how much work it will take to corrupt their victims.
The superegoWhat are the moral and ethical standards of the being in question? This is the question foremost on the Baatezu's mind. They have broken this down into three categories of Good, Neutral and Evil. Within each category, they have five subtle divisions they use to rate the moral and ethical standings of their victims. They are as follows:
GoodMoral: Breaking laws is something you cannot fathom. You will never willingly break a law. For you, honesty truly is the best policy. You will never refuse aid to anyone, regardless of his or her deeds. Evil shall be dealt with harshly, but you refuse to kill other than in self-defense.
Scrupulous: Breaking laws is something you personally will never do. If it's in a just cause, you can tolerate the bending of laws by others. You will be as honest as possible, but you won't hurt someone's feelings. Evil is not to be tolerated. You can kill in self-defense.
Good: Laws aren't meant to be broken. You do your best to follow the laws, but you know that you aren't infallible. Sometimes the ends justify the means. You don't tolerate evil or evil acts. You will kill if it saves future lives.
Helpful: Laws are tools by which we regulate our safety. Laws are the guidelines on how we should mold our thoughts. You can't understand selfish behavior or why people are greedy. You go out of your way to help others, regardless of laws. You kill to save the whole rather than the one.
Kind: Laws are the beneficial rules we create to help us stay on course. The laws we create are for benign purposes. Under no circumstances should the laws be written to benefit others. You say kind words so as not to offend. You will kill to save the many from the one.
Ambitious: You have set your goals high. Laws are for governing society and their actions. You view laws as an institution which keeps things stable. Within the limit of the law, you will work to rise up. If anyone works to subvert the law or prevent others from rising above their current standing, you will oppose them. You will kill to keep things running as they should.
Loyal: Laws should always favor the majority. Since the majority of society is inherently good, the laws should favor the good of the many. You will never support a law that hinders the stability of the inherent good of the society. To preserve the goals of the majority, you will take a life.
Neutral: Laws are guidelines to keep things balanced. Never should there be any laws that support one side over another. You believe in equality. You will never force your views on others unless they wish to upset the balance. You live by the belief "each to his own". Killing is something you do to preserve the whole of society for the balance.
Selfish: Laws are something you normally don't bother with. You could care less about them. You don't care what other people do. You. That's your only concern. If they have a problem, unless they're willing to pay for your services, it's not your concern. Killing doesn't bother you, but it's not high on your list of things to do.
Conceited: Laws? They're of no concern to you. You give less than a damn about laws and their implications. You do what you want to make sure you're well taken care of. Then, maybe, maybe, you'll worry about other's needs. You live by the creed: "I'm the most important person". You'll kill if the need suits you.
Anarchic: Laws are an aberration. They're an affront to your personal freedom. Those who are too weak to restrain themselves create laws. They do not feel safe unless their lives are regulated with an artificial order they place upon themselves. You will fight to keep your personal freedoms. You aren't necessarily evil, but you don't take kindly to people who tell you what to do. You won't kill if you don't need to, but if the victim is infringing on freedom for you or others, you'll do it.
Greedy: Laws are useless. It's a dog-eat-dog world. Laws are an expression of that and an abomination. The reality of things is that the weak gather in a mass for protection. They can't fend for themselves, so they impose a set of guidelines that try to keep you from taking what is rightfully yours. To hell with them and their problems. As long as you get your slice of the pie, it doesn't matter what happens. Killing helps to ensure you get what's yours.
Evil: People are tools, objects to be manipulated. The weak masses create laws to try and hide from that truth. You know that this is wrong. There are no natural laws which govern what's right and what's wrong. There is only the primal law that those who dominate rule. Either you adapt and overcome, submit, or die. Killing is just a method of disposing of useless tools.
Deceiver: Since the weak like to wrap themselves in law, why not use them? What better way to manipulate people than to use laws? Exploit the loopholes, read into the laws. Know the laws so you can bend them. After all, it's the word of the law that one must obey, not the intent. Kill, but do so through the letter of law. Lie and deal in misinformation.
Diabolical: Laws are useless, people are as well. You're going to take what's yours because you can. It's survival of the fittest and everyone for themselves. Live, die, rise, fall, none of it matters to you unless they were beneficial to you. Lie, cheat, plunder and kill to get what you want. Who cares what they think. Break their backs and step on them when you can.
These fifteen divisions rate the current corruptibility of the victim.
The egoEach individual has a goal in life. The ego rates the methods a mortal uses to obtain their goals and desires. However, if their morals are too high, they have less of a chance and desire to break ethical codes for their secret desires.
The idThis part of the mind holds the secrets and desires of the mortal mind. It is this that the Baatezu seek to exploit the most. Through the id, the Baatezu can control their victims. Once the weakness of a mortal is found, the walls of their morality can be destroyed.The Baatezu use a standard system of twenty-four words that can describe both the id and the ego, though they take on differing connotations. As there are undoubtedly more than these, they began to build their own types to compliment the twenty-four listed below.
ArchitectId: you desire to build some lasting monument or memory. You want to be remembered.Ego: You like to build things. Construction of some sort is your preferred method to achieve your goals.
BalancerId: You like balance. You desire harmony above all else. Your goal is peace and stability.Ego: Regardless of your goals, you will strive to keep everyone from arguing. You believe peace and harmony will allow you to achieve your goals.
CaringId: Compassion is your life. You desire to heal the world. Your goal is to nurture the world.Ego: You want people to be healthy. Only then can you achieve your goals.
ConclusionistId: You cannot stand loose ends. You desire to complete everything you start. Your goal is to leave no loose ends.Ego: You have a tendency to finish other people's sentences without letting them finish them. You extrapolate incomplete data in order to speed towards the completion of your goals.
ConformistId: Taking charge isn't your style. You prefer to throw your lot in with someone who was born to lead. You wish to maintain or start a support structure for government.Ego: You cooperate with people. By doing so, they will help you achieve your goals.
ControllerId: You cannot stand for things to be outside your grasp. Your goal is to run it all. You desire to have it all.Ego: You are manipulative. People are pawns. You use your influence and power to control what you must to achieve your goals.
DiscovererId: You are always on the lookout for something new to find. Your goal is to enlighten. Your desire is to find what no one else has.Ego: You seem aloof in your pursuits. You quest for the understanding you need to achieve your goals.
DrivenId: You're a zealot. Something compels you. You thirst for understanding. Your goal is knowledge.Ego: You won't rest until forced to. You work with great intensity to achieve your goals.
JesterId: Sorrow and pain are a bane to you. You are the one who works to bring joy and laughter. You desire to make people laugh. Your goal is to lighten the hearts of the world.Ego: You're a clown. People can't see you as being serious. But due to your antics, work seems to get done faster. They willingly help you achieve your goals.
JudgeId: You maintain the status quo. You desire justice. Your goal is truth.Ego: You view things through a static framework. You will use people to promote your goals, but not unjustly or abusively.
LonerId: You are alone always. You never feel a part of the group. You desire to unleash the strength within. Your goal is to prove that it only takes one to change things.Ego: You like to be left to your own devices. You do things for yourself. You will achieve your goals by yourself.
MartyrId: You care passionately. Your desire is sympathy for your beliefs. Your goal is in your devotion.Ego: You are willing to sacrifice yourself for your goals. You will never renounce your beliefs.
OptimistId: You are always cheerful. You desire to make people see the good in everything. Your goal is to instill hope.Ego: You seem oblivious to reality. How can anyone believe things are getting better? But you do. Through insight you attempt to work to achieve your goals.
OrganizerId: You like to organize and classify everything. You desire to categorize everything. Your goal is to organize chaos.Ego: You enjoy putting things together. You are a creature of habit. Through predictability, you seek to achieve your goals.
OutsiderId: You don't fit in. It suits you. You desire to be left alone. Your goal is to prove you don't need society's approval to succeed.Ego: Even if you do fit in, you choose not to. By smashing society's dogma, you'll achieve your goals.
PessimistId: You are near depression all the time. You desire to make people see the error of their ways. Your goal is hope.Ego: You are so steeped in the evils of society that you seem stuck. Things are bad, you say, but we can make them better. By choosing the hard road, you can achieve your goals.
PerseverantId: Nothing holds you back. You can endure. You desire to teach people how to survive. Your goal is to adapt and overcome all obstacles.Ego: You present a façade of power of will. In truth, you wish to inspire others to adapt to anything. Thus, your goals will endure.
RebelId: The establishment is a sham. You desire to be completely independent. Your goal is to make everyone a freethinker.Ego: You won't join the cause. You refuse to be a part of the established order. You lack a direction and must examine all of your surroundings before choosing the way to proceed.
ScrutinizeId: You examine everything. You desire perfection. Your goal is to instill high standards.Ego: You can't accept things at face value. Only through careful study can your goals be met.
SensualistId: Life is too short to waste. The world is alive and vibrant. You desire experience. Your goal is to teach new pleasures.Ego: You are expressive. You touch and feel everything. You pursue your goals passionately.
TraditionalistId: You don't like change. You desire to protect the established order. Your goal is consistency.Ego: You seem complacent. However, it is the tried and true methods you use that make others think this way. But these methods help you achieve your goals.
TrendyId: You want to be on the leading edge. If it's new, you want to try it. You desire expansion. Your goal is change.Ego: You embrace the new. It opens the way to new methods to achieve your goals.
TricksterId: You love to act. Your desire is to have your own business. Your goal is wealth and success.Ego: You're a swindler, a con. You're a fast tracker who achieves his goals through talking people into them.
VisionaryId: You seek to reach the next plateau. You desire to inspire. Your goal is wisdom.Ego: You are a dreamer. You are imaginative. Through guidance, others will help you achieve your goals.
WarriorId: You are aggressive. You desire challenge and struggle. Your goal is strength in all areas.Ego: You can't tolerate weakness. People view you as angry. You can only achieve your goals if you win.
Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2
Very interesting and well written. Is it the baatezu perspective first hand, or is it a non-baatezu writing about it?