Letters from Baator 3: Voices of Deceit 1.0.0.

Emperor Xan's picture

Department of Humanities

Psychology/Sociology Section

For: Chief Engineer

Subject: Voices of Manipulation Part 1

Have you ever sweetened the poisons you've given to vermin? Then you have some inkling of what the Baatezu do. Below are a few quotes from Baatezu that I've personally overheard.

"I see you overlooked Paragraph 34 of Clause 23c, Subsection 12, that clearly states you agreed to be my slave for an undisclosed amount of time for any uninhibited act I wish."

"Hmm, pleasures of the flesh? I can give you those as well as pleasures of the mind. Just sign this waiver."

"Step right this way! Do I have a deal for you, Sir Prime! No, not interested?  Please, don't let my misshapen form put you off. To your eyes, I may look grotesque by your standards, but my body is a product of my environment. Yes, I know I look like a creature you refer to as a demon or a devil, but it's not me. Please, let me at least demonstrate a bit of what I can offer to you. I am at your service. All I ask is the chance to please you."

"Of course I let him peel me, it was in the contract he signed two years ago. But you haven't seen the contract. Here let me show you just how much of him I own."

“...So she thought she got away from me. It wasn't long before I pulled in a few of my contacts and 'promised' them 'rewards' for her capture."

Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2


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