Sigil Regions

Emperor Xan's picture

The Hive (Sigil)

Preferred Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Fighter, Monk, Rogue, & SorcererAutomatic Language: Sigilian CommonBonus Languages: Abyssal, Hiver's Cant, Infernal, NefaricRegional Feats: Luck of Heroes, Street Smart, Survivor, Thug, ToutEquipment: (a) dagger or short sword (b) thieves' tools or 10gp (c) leather armor or hide armor

The Lower Ward (Sigil)

Preferred Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Monk, Rogue, WizardAutomatic Language: Sigilian CommonBonus Languages: Any (except secret ones)Regional Feats: Bullheaded, Luck of Heroes, Magical Artisan, Militia, Street SmartEquipment: (a) dagger* or short sword* (b) studded leather armor (c) crossbow and 20gp

The Clerk's Ward (Sigil)

Preferred Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, WizardAutomatic Language: Sigilian CommonBonus Languages: Any (except secret ones)Regional Feats: Cosmopolitan, Education, Militia, Sigilian Politician, Smooth TalkEquipment: (a) longsword*, rapier*, or short sword* (b) any two 2nd-level scrolls (c) 300gp

The Guildhall & Market Ward

Preferred Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Monk, Rogue, Sorcerer, WizardAutomatic Language: Sigilian CommonBonus Languages: Any (except secret ones)Regional Feats: Artist, Cosmopolitian, Insider's Knowledge, Mercantile Background, Silver PalmEquipment: (a) studded leather armor* and instrument* (b) studded leather armor* and healer's kit* (c) studded leather armor* and thieves' tools*

The Lady's Ward (Sigil)

Preferred Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, WizardAutomatic Language: Sigilian CommonBonus Languages: Any (except secret ones)Regional Feats: Artist, Cosmopolitan, Discipline, Education, Gilded One, Smooth TalkEquipment: (a) 300gp

*Masterwork armor or weapon

Why     I liked the concept of regional feats and thought that Sigil was in need of the same.

Pro      It allows you to really separate the districts of Sigil and make each feel like a separate culture as experienced in real world metroplexes.

Con      If players hate regional systems as presented for other settings, they probably won't like this either.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Sigil Regions

I had to start somewhere. It's a bit daunting when you're doing factions, faction feats, faction prestige classes, etc. on top of regions across the planes, but they're part of what I'm working on.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sigil Regions

I'd be interested in seeing something simular across more of the planes as well. It's not just Sigil we play in after all. Eye-wink

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