Adamok Ebon

Nemui's picture

The bladeling hunter known as Adamok Ebon is one of those cutters that almost every Cager can tell you about, as long as you don't need any details. While most recognize her spiky 7-ft. frame, and know she's a hired chiv for Shemeska the Marauder, the common chant doesn't go far beyond that. Of course, if you have the right jink and the right connections, you can get the right chant as well...      Ebon was born and raised in Zoronor, Acheron. Her well-deserved child-name was Wanderblade. She traveled across her inhospitable homeland until she learned every trick the older bladeling hunters could teach her, but had no intent on ever leaving the plane. She became a prospective member of the Blackwater Guard, and took part in the cleansing campaign, when her people rooted out a clutch of rust dragons threatening the city. However, at her coming-of-age ceremony, Ebon drank from the Pool of Remembrance and gained knowledge of her past lives, which had somehow created an urge to explore the planes and find out how much of a challenge hunting these odd non-Acheron creatures would present.       In the few years spent wandering the Great Ring, Ebon grew into a cunning, resourceful and ruthless mercenary. She enjoyed killing dangerous creatures, learning about their strengths and weaknesses, and honing her skills further; she also found out that there were people prepared to pay her money to do this. She put one and two together, and bought a portal key to the Cage.       In Sigil, Ebon's inquiries eventually led her to the King of Crosstrade. The yugoloth immediately took a liking to the bladeling's simplistic, straight-forward manner, and also recognized a potentially useful tool. The deal was quickly done - Ebon became an employee of Shemeska, tracking down anything and anyone the yugoloth needed tracked down (and put down). Ebon has yet to fail her fiendish employer. She insists on her free agent status, since she wants to retain the right to refuse a target now and then. This is not to say that Ebon has moral qualms about hunting "good" or "innocent" creatures, it's just that she has no interest in easy targets, and will not accept those that do not seem likely to pose a challenging task. The King of Crosstrade is aware of this and does its best to pick out either personally powerful or well-protected targets. Not too powerful or well-protected, of course, Ebon is far too valuable to simply throw away, but lately the fiend seems to be testing the limits of its pet bladeling, wondering just how long her record will remain perfect. Is Shemeska worried at all about the possibility of her uncannily successful assassin going rogue and being turned against her? If not, it is safe to assume that the fiend has contingencies to fall back on... "I'm a good hunter. I'll find, catch, or kill something for you."- Ebon Adamok introducing herself to Shemeska the Marauder Ebon is taller and skinnier than most bladelings. Her spikes are adorned by talismans of carved bone and wood. She wears leather harnesses and a heavy broad cloak. Her eyes are a deep purple, a common trait among the bladelings, and show no emotion. Although highly intelligent and intuitive, Ebon is a simplistic creature, with few motives and no long-term goals. She speaks little and to the point. Her willpower and cunning are rarely registered, and that's just the way she likes it.       When not working for Shemeska, Ebon earns her living as a guide, animal trainer, or a trader in "exotic goods" (usually body parts of rare critters living in obscure demiplanes, which she sells to Seamusxanthuszenus at Parts & Pieces). Also, she styles herself a priestess of Hriste the Gray Whisper, a little known nature-oriented power of Acheron. Ebon prefers not to speak of her religion, and rarely resorts to spell-slinging in public. She lives in the Guildhall Ward of Sigil, and frequents the local alehouse, Fat Candle. The regulars claim to know the bladeling well, but she drinks her tea alone.

COMBAT - Ebon is an efficient, no-nonsense fighter. She does exactly what she needs to do to dispatch her foes, and no more. She shows no mercy and expects none. When on the hunt, Ebon usually applies poison on her arrows, choosing Blue Whinnis if the target is to be captured alive. She never poisons her body blades, but casts greater magic fang on them if she is expecting a difficult fight.

Adamok Ebon(Pl / female bladeling / ranger 14 / LE)

 CR 15; Medium Outsider (Lawful); HD 14d8+42; 105 hp; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +3 deflection; touch 15, flat-footed 17); BAB +14; Grp +18; Atk +19 melee (1d4+5/19-20 plus poison, +1 dagger of venom), or +18 melee (1d6+4, claw), or +17 ranged (1d8+3/20/x3, mwk. comp. longbow); Full Atk +16/+11/+6 and +17/+12/+7 melee (1d6+4, claw, and 1d4+5/19-20 plus poison, +1 dagger of venom), or +17/+12/+7 ranged (1d8+3/20/x3, mwk. comp. longbow); SA razor storm, spells; SQ acid immunity, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., metal hide, resistances (cold 5, fire 5), animal companion (-), camouflage, combat style mastery (2WF), evasion, favored enemy (aberration +4, dragon +2, human +4), swift tracker, wild empathy +13, woodland stride; SV Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +8; AL LE; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 8.       Skills: Climb +9, Concentration +13, Craft (trapmaking) +7, Handle Animal +9, Heal +12, Hide +16, Jump +14, Knowledge (nature) +7, Listen +18, Move Silently +16, Search +12, Spot +18, Survival +17.      Feats: Alertness, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting.       Poison (Ex): Blue Whinnis - injury DC 14, 1 Con/unconsciousness 1d3 hours; large scorpion venom - injury DC 18, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str; deathblade - injury DC 20, 1d6 Con/2d6 Con; Dagger of Venom - injury DC 14, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con.      Razor Storm (Ex): Once per day, Ebon can expel shrapnel-like bits of her skin in a 15-foot cone, dealing 2d6 points of piercing damage to any creature in the area. A Reflex save (DC 13) halves the damage. After this attack, the bladeling’s natural armor bonus drops from +4 to +2 for 24 hours.       Spells prepared (3/2/1 per day, DC 12 + spell level): 1st -- charm animal, entangle, hide from animals; 2nd -- cat's grace, cure light wounds; 3rd -- greater magic fang.      Metal Hide: Certain spells that affect armor, such as heat metal, treat Ebon as though wearing armor that cannot be taken off. In addition, the spikes on her body make it impossible for Ebon to wear medium or heavy armor. Ebon takes no damage from acid, and it is immune to rust attacks despite her metallic hide.      Equipment: +1 dagger of venom, gauntlets of ogre power, ring of free movement, ring of protection +3, masterwork composite longbow [+3 Str bonus], arrows (x20), poison (blue whinnis 2 doses, large scorpion venom 2 doses, deathblade 1 dose).

Credits:Author: 'Nemui'Editor: Rob MooreAdapted for from Uncaged: Faces of Sigil (1996, TSR)

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