The Relativists

Fell's picture

This is the introduction to a sect I am developing. They are a planar group dedicated to finding the "relativity" of all things in the multiverse. It is their philosophy that should one learn about the weave of relativity that lies behind all creation, then one will truly understand the interconnectedness of all things in creation.

I selected the Sign of One as the parent faction, mainly because of their introspective nature. In an way, the Relativist philosophy began when it's founder looked deep within herself and began to learn about her connection to the reality around and behind her.

Given the Signers concentration on the importance of the individual in the creation of external reality, you could certainly construe that a sect that further extends this thought into the realm of the "connection" of all things may have a basis in Signer thought. Instead of the individual that creates reality, it is the connection of all individuals in the multiverse.

"I'm sorry. I'm understand it all now. I realise what this means... I think. It's a puzzle. I've knocked the puzzle over. The picture, and the relationships between all the different and myriad pieces, start to fall away. Little tiny bits and pieces and shards of colour and imagery and life float and flutter upon the astral currents... like leaves in a gentle autumn breeze. It's all mixed... a jumble of pieces. I cannot tell head from tail, top from bottom, or beginning from end. I think this one is me. This one definitely is not. I'm not entirely sure about this one. I know that place. I've never see that one. I had no idea these were related. You know... when I was younger, I used to count myself among some of the luckiest primes. The reason you ask... understand, that from what I knew, most primes only see and experience life in bits and pieces... never a whole and complete picture... one thing leads to another.. sometimes without cause... sometimes without apparent relation. I found (or rather learned) that things are not really that way. Births and deaths, jobs and loves, devils and demons. They're all part of some giant, multiversal puzzle... with lines of relationship tethered to each of individual piece... like the strands of my grandmother's quilt tapestry... and the tapestry... is reality itself. You see... I've come to realise that there are no real beginnings or endings. There are no such concepts as good and evil or order and chaos. It's all just different angles of one... big... picture... Or at least, I believe that it was a picture... until I knocked it over and it shattered. That was back when I had a name... a place... a form... ... I awake in a place I've never seen or experienced. A void... of everything. I turn my head left... or rather... what I perceive as "left" (this realm, whatever it is, does not seem to lend itself to such subjective concepts... it's all relative). I blink from the darkness and the light. I hear a voice. A voice is shouting at me. It's a male voice... It is a female voice... It is both. LET GO!, it screams from the light... DIVE IN!, it yells from the dark... COME AND SEE THE RELATIVITY OF THINGS! PREPARE YOURSELF NOT TO BE!... The voice stops yelling. Light and Dark become one. It claws at me with arms of bright and night, I know what it wants... Pelor help me... I know... I don't know how I know... I just do. It screams in my mind... a voice of quiet booming. My mind wanders a little... It wants me to forget the difference between me and it. I know the voice now... It’s tone... it’s pitch... it's feeling. I know the voice. It used to be mine. It is my voice. It's whispering, I'm screaming... It wants me to let myself fade into the inky white void. It promises quiet. It promises softness. It promises understanding. It whispers, suggestively. "Let us become one. Know and feel the joy of knowing. Dance and smile with the promise of all things." But I haven't... yet. I just don't want to let go. I look up... Suddenly my hand is clenched tightly around the rung on a ladder that did not exist a mere moment ago... The ladder heads on up out of the void for what seems like forever. I cannot see the top. The darkness and the light and the noise and the silence encircle me. The void is pulling me in... Those arms are clawing at me again... There are more of them... Impossible. I will not leave... not so long as there are colours I still remember. Not so long as there are places and people I can define... I can separate and create. Not so long as there are pieces of the puzzle that I can still see myself in. It's almost completely enveloped me. I can't see the ladder anymore. My hand is clenched around light. Noise twists around my ankles. My legs close together. Silence washes over my mind like a torrent. I cannot think... I can't feel... I'm drowning in a sea of nothing... It passes.


I gasp for one breath... I look around me. I see pieces... shards of today... tomorrow... and yesterday. I see shades of gray... shades of me... shades of them. Everything is suddenly awash. There is no individuality here... no form... no place... and no time. The pieces float around me. They're a jumble. Finally, I see a piece I remember... It's the only piece. All is darkness and all is light around me. Nothing exists but me. I've come to this piece again and again and again. It's like the beginning of some dream I cannot remember having. It's of a place that is everything I've ever seen... all mish mashed together. There are people there. Friends and family... brothers and sisters. They all look the same, and yet... different. "What is this?"... Did I say that? What do these words mean? I do not understand their purpose... their relation. How can I understand what I just said?... It's a place where I had shape and size and form, where I was called... called... I can't remember... it's slipping away... Help... me... ... - The last memories of Sectol Clauson, of the Relativists.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Most of that information will be coming in the next few submissi

By Narfi Ref: "What is the history of this sect? How is it organized? Could you give a more coherent statement of beliefs? How do they incorporate their beliefs into their life?"

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
The Relativists

What is the history of this sect? How is it organized? Could you give a more coherent statement of beliefs? How do they incorporate their beliefs into their life?

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