Planar Artists
I intend to create several more, when the campaign resumes in late January 2005, but for now, I present these three artists in the hopes that you might find them of some use in your campaigns should the need arise.
Draeck (-58,450 cc to -57,324 cc). Githzerai (although many Fraternity greybeards now speculate that he was actually human) sculptor who came to be regarded as the singular personification of the spirt for liberation of his people in the years just after the rise of Gith. The bronze monument to the "mother" of the githzerai (the best known cast is outside the gith athletics and meditation school in Limbo) and the bust of the composer Krilla Hadar (of which there are several said to be in existence), are probably his most famous portrayals of Gith national heroes. Malbraun Darklightly (904 cc - 975 cc). Sigilian painter, active in his native Sigil and the Outlands at large. In 944 cc he married the well-known Torilian half-elven artist, Judais Corthorn. It's now known that both he and his wife probably collaborated on many works and because of that, it's sometimes difficult to differentiate between their works. Darklightly specialised in genre scenes, but his range was wide, from pictures of the crude, indecorous activities of the inhabitants of the Hive to small, exquisitely finished domestic scenes of the various Golden Lords and their families. He also did portraits (his three works on Rowan Darkwood are considered by many guilds to be the most treasured pieces of the collection) and some religious scenes (which were later confiscated by the dabus for their supposed imagery of Aoskar). His early works (which are considered his best (and comprise most of the religious scenes; unfortunately now lost to us) were said to incorporate a grey-blond tonality, as well as touches of bright colour, but his later ones are darker (probably influenced by the continued internal frustrations he was experiencing as part of the dabus persistent investigations into his earlier works on Aoskar). The Immortal Etcher (320? cc - 984? cc). Supposed Sigilian etcher, said to have been extensively active in the City of Doors around the period of the Great Upheaval to just before the War of Betrayal, more commonly known as the Faction War. What is "officially" (since rumors abound in a place with as many ins and outs as Sigil) known about the Immortal Etcher is based mostly on supposition and hearsay. It's commonly agreed upon by many of the most lanned in the City of Doors, that the reason for this lack of accurate facts surrounding the Etcher is mostly because it is believed that no one person who has ever encountered the artist, has ever been able to successfully retain a memory of it -- even with the aid of magical enchantment. Fraternity records detail all we know about the Etcher's abilities as an artist, details said to have been derived from a comprehensive 10-year study of his (its?) works. These studies have suggested some alarming information about the origins of the etchings, in that they appear to have been crafted from some as yet undefined material (Fraternity examiners are still baffled by the results from the tests they have conducted on the substance) that is believed to actually represent, in terms of physicality, a specific memory from a person's mind. These physical representations of peoples memories are rumored to have an actual "living" memories "taken" (removed, perhaps psionically) from the minds of the artist's subjects and then - using a magical binding process which is currently unknown to the greatest archmages the Fraternity consulted - made manifest and incorporated into an etching using the unknown material. From the follow-up studies conducted on the "subjects" the artist used for his works, several Guvner greybeards have hypothesised that once a memory has been removed, the subject then loses that memory from their mind completely. It's believed that these subjects can, for a time, still recognise the etchings made from their former memories, but eventually that recognition will fade.