Githzerai Far Realm raiders

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The blinding, healing, throbbing chaos of Limbo is vast and infinite, containing sights unimaginable anywhere else. In their ceaseless quest to slay their eternal foes, the illithids, a few brave and foolish rrakkma hunters have made the transition from their native land of chaos to one even stranger, walking the gibberling trails back to the Far Realm itself.It's the belief of these perhaps misguided souls that the Far Realm, which is something of a plane that exists beyond the traditional cosmology, is the ultimate homeland for the illithids and other similar horrors like the brain-loving neh-thalggu. It's their intention to cut off the very source of all that's unnatural and wrong in the multiverse.Most don't come back.Those that do are readily recognizable, their limbs distorted like wet paint wiped with a careless finger, infested with parasites that sing sad songs of dead nebulae and inverted stars, mainly mindless and occasionally posessed.Still, these are heroes, rrakkma heroes as self-sacrificing as the best in the canons of Zerthimon's Own, and treated as such by their people, given the best care they have for as long as they live. Occasionally some come back with trophies, gruesome things that might be heads, or perhaps arms. These are hung proudly on the walls of the halls of shame and glory unless they begin to pose a threat.Some raiders of the Far Realm have tried to shield themselves with veils of chaos-stuff, cancelling out the madness of the other world with the quantum instability of their home. Sometimes this even works, for a time, but the Far Realm seems beyond alignment, even at its most elemental, and eventually all protections are corrupted or destroyed.A faction would like to put all these journeys to a stop forever; not just for their failures, but because of a dark suspicion that they might be to blame for the troubles they seek to defeat.The reasoning goes like this: somehow, in the uncountably ancient past, alien beings - perhaps the titanic worms called neothelids - became creatures whose young could be successfully implanted in humanoid bodies to create the illithid race. How did this happen? There certainly doesn't seem to be anything recognizably humanoid native to the Far Realm. The answer: it was visitors to the Realm who were the template, the catalyst and the gate for an incursion of Far Realm entities who were adapted to preying on that particular kind of mortal husk. It was explorers like the rrakkmas, perhaps the rrakkmas themselves, who left the ancestors of the githzerai vulnerable to illithid slavery and their obscene transformations.If true, not only should the raids end, but future raiders should go out of their way to hunt down the original raiders and stop them from ever entering the Far Realm in the first place, if Time can be shaped to work that way even in Limbo. Others refuse to accept the idea, claiming that the bravery of a rrakkma should be capable of defeating anything, even species-altering temporal paradox. The battle, and the raids, continue.

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