Githzerai vocabulary: Foe of Melniak

ripvanwormer's picture

Foe of Melniak. As many know, githzerai vocabulary is rife with metaphors and allusions to the fabled deeds of their ancestral heroes. Melniak was a warrior of the city of Shand'kor'deth, which due to anunexpected flux event met with a negative duplicate of itself. Thecitizens of one Shand'kor'deth were forced to fight their doubles fromthe other, parallel version. Melniak went ona long walkabout in the chaos beyond the city, developing his skills insolitude until he was better in every way. Using this method, hetriumphed over his duplicate, who had not done these things. Someonewho fights a "Foe of Melniak" fights himself, seeking to triumph overhis own flaws through rigorous discipline.This phrase is not necessarily antithetical to Senzi's Reward, another common githzerai phrase; onecan often fight oneself with a tutor as an ally more effectively thanone can alone, after all. It is often said among the githzerai that "IfMelniak had known Senzi's Reward, he would have triumphed all the sooner."Examples of use:"There is nothing you can do for him, my friend. When he battles his addiction to the Abyssal luhix drug, he fights the Foe of Melniak."

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