The Celtic Powers

Nemui's picture

The Celtic pantheon is said to have sprung up from that hidden place of untamed wilderness inside a man’s soul. Most of the Powers revere life, beauty, and knowledge, and many also appreciate trickery and cunning; as such, the pantheon does not demand total loyalty and obedience from mortal worshippers. The Celts are a proud, hospitable people, with a long tradition of lore-keeping, and a reputation as fierce warriors. Naturally, these traits also apply to their gods.

The bulk of the Celtic pantheon resides on the Outer Planes, in the Lands of Youth (Tir na Og), each maintaining their own separate realm within its borders. A few Powers dwell on other planes, such as Elysium, Gehenna, and Hades. Tir na Og is a peaceful land of woods, meadows, and gentle hills. Cairns, dolmens, and standing stones dot the landscape. The petitioners in Tir na Og are gentle, dark-haired, and fair-skinned; they mostly keep to themselves.

INDEXDaghdha: chatic good greater power (crops, weather, comedy) Arawn: Evil intermediate power (burials, death, resurrection) Belenus: Good intermediate power (sun, heat, light, fertility) Brigantia: Good lesser power (rivers, crops, livestock) Cu Chulainn: Chaotic good demipower (personal combat, challenge) Diancecht: lawful good intermediate power (medicine, healing) Dunatis: Neutral lesser power (mountains, peaks) Goibhniu: Good intermediate power (weaponsmiths, blessings, feasts) Lugh: Chaotic intermediate power (arts, crafts, commerce, horses) Manannan Mac Lir: neutral intermediate power (oceans, aquatic creatures) Math Mathonwy: lawful evil lesser power (Sorcery, secrets) Morrigan: Chaotic evil intermediate power (battle, strife, war) Nuada: Neutral greater power (battlefield valor, warriors) Oghma*: Neutral greater power (bards, inspiration, knowledge) Silvanus*: Neutral greater power (wild nature, druids) * - also a Faerûnian power

DAGHDHAThe Dozen KingGreater Power

Symbol: Celtic wooden shieldHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na Og Alignment: Chaotic goodPortfolio: Crops, weather, comedyDomains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Trickery, WeatherFavored Weapon: GreatclubKnown Proxies: Bran, CG quasi-power (male half-elf) Rgr 14.

Daghdha enjoys a position of leadership among the loose confederation of Celtic gods. He is a divine protector and benefactor, credited with control over the weather and crops. Appartently older and wiser than most of his peers, Daghdha is a happy-go-lucky sort interested only in the general welfare of his worshippers. He is the custodian the gods and all Celtic people, using his charms and powers to protect and aid them whenever he can. As a warrior he is a great leader and scout, as a father figure he is both stern and fun-loving; he enjoys being a comical figure of great power. Dagdha’s domain within Tir na Og is called Mag Mell – “fields of happiness”. It is a peaceful place of laid-back attitudes. At the center is the Grove of the Dagdha, where the power likes to appear occasionally. He often chooses the form of a tall man dressed comically, with a very short tunic and uncouth behavior.

Priests of Daghdha are almost always druids. They are expected to dress in an unorthodox manner in order to draw attention to themselves. Daghdha’s druids are chiefly responsible for the creation of great standing stones with which they can keep track of the seasons and through which they can exercise their magical powers.

ARAWNThe Dark OneIntermediate Power

Symbol: A cracked skullHome Plane/Realm: Hades/AnnwnAlignment: Neutral evilPortfolio: Burials, death, resurrections Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, LawFavored Weapon: ClubKnown Proxies: Pwill, NG quasi-power (male human) Ftr 15; Pryderi, N male human Ftr 7

As god of death and the underworld, Arawn rarely has reason to venture into the world of the living. Good at what he does, Arawn sees himself as a guardian of life, dispensing death to those who deserve it or simply to those whose time has come. He is considered to be “not that bad for a death-god” by mortal Celts.

Arawn’s home is Annwn (“ten isles of the cursed”), set so far out at sea in Niflheim (2nd layer of Hades) that no one, not even Manannan mac Lir, can find it while alive, for only the dead can travel there. In fact, Arawn generally only sends an avatar to the world of the living after someone has been resurrected that Arawn would rather keep. Arawn’s avatar appears as a black-robed dark man with deep-set features. Many other Celtic gods will endorse resurrections, but none can guarantee that Arawn will leave the matter at that. Arawn has absolute power over life and death among the Celts.

BELENUSThe SunIntermediate Power

Symbol: Solar disc between standing stonesHome Plane/Realm: Elysium/Isles of the BlessedAlignment: Neutral goodPortfolio: Sun, heat, light, fertilityDomains: Good, Fire, SunFavored Weapon: LongswordKnown Proxies: Beltain Firebrow, NG quasi-power (male human) Drd 12

Belenus is a god of the sun and of fire, and one of several patrons of the druids within the pantheon. He controls all heat and light from fires and from the sun, bringing them into focus to destroy or blocking them off to freeze when he wishes.

Belenus shares his home with Brigantia. Their realm, called the Isles of the Blessed, lies in Elysium, on the layer of Thalasia. It is an almost constantly sunny land crisscrossed with many rivers. Belenus appears there as a strong young man with curled black hair and a terrific shining torc around his neck.

In late spring, the Celts drive cattle through special Beltain fires while Belenus watches with favor and raises the overall quality of the livestock. Belenus encourages the construction of standing stones to measure the progress of his sun and sacred groves where his druids may meet and build great bonfires to him. Priests of Belenus are almost always druids.

BRIGANTIAThe RivermaidLesser Power

Symbol: A footbridgeHome Plane/Realm: Elysium/Isles of the BlessedAlignment: Neutral goodPortfolio: Rivers, crops, livestockDomains: Animal, Good, WaterFavored Weapon: SpearKnown Proxies: Alina nic Gwydion, NG quasi-power (female human) Clr 10.

Brigantia is the goddess of the rivers and rural life. She was raised on the milk creature of the other-world, a white, red-eared cow. She is worshipped by many Celtic women in positions of power, but is also popular in small towns and villages. She is the protector of flocks of geese and herds of cattle, seeing that they flourish to help feed her hungry worshippers. Brigantia rejoices in the slower, quieter ways of the country folk.

Brigantia shares her home with Belenus. Their realm, called the Isles of the Blessed, lies in Elysium, on the layer of Thalasia. It is an almost constantly sunny land crisscrossed with many rivers. Brigantia appears there as a beautiful young woman, usually tending animals; this task is almost compulsive, and she will often keep at it even when other pressing matters are brought to her attention.

CU CHULAINNStone-hands, The DogDemipower

Symbol: A fist of stoneHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: Chaotic goodPortfolio: Personal combat, challengeDomains: Chaos, Good, StrengthFavored Weapon: Spear Known Proxies: None

Cu Chulainn is the greatest hero of the Celts, a fine warrior who has dealt with mortals and immortals on their own terms. Originally named Sedanta, the young man is reputed to have traveled the planes for years, single-handedly defeating anyone who would stand against him in unarmed combat. When he defeated the guard dog of the great smith Culann, he was forced to guard in the dog’s place, and thus became known as Cu Chulainn, or “dog of Culann”. Later, Cu Chulainn underwent a series of initiations into deific stature. He was forced to fight many other heroes and creatures, put through exotic rituals throughout Celtic lands, and finally learned strategies and magical tactics that have rendered him all but invincible.

Cu Chulainn is known throughout the lands of the Celts, by mortals and gods alike. He never travels in disguise, so cannot help but be noticed. Cu Chulainn has a particular hatred of giants and will seek them out to destroy them whenever possible. He travels the Celtic lands to stamp out injustice and has a reputation for appearing just in the nick of time.

DIANCECHTPhysician of the GodsIntermediate Power

Symbol: A leafHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: Lawful goodPortfolio: Medicine, healingDomains: Good, Healing, LawFavored Weapon: DaggerKnown Proxies: Cian, LG quasi-power (male human) Clr 15

As the god of healing, Diancecht cares for the sick and wounded without regard to their worship. Despite his alignment, he is so insanely jealous of his abilities that he slew his own son who might have become a better healer than his father. Diancecht has a fierce rivalry with other powers with similar interests (Apollo, Mishakal, Pelor…). He has healed other gods, fashioning at one time a silver arm to replace one lost, and using a cat’s eye to replace a lost eye. Diancecht often uses his powers to enforce his notion that any wound is the responsibility of the inflictor to heal, or at least to pay for.

Diancecht is constantly on the move, and holds no specific domain within Tir na Og as his own. He appears as a young man in simple clothing, bearing a bag filled with herbs and medicines. He is forever wandering the worlds of men searching for those who need his skills.

DUNATISThe Far-SeeingLesser Power

Symbol: Red sun-capped mountainsHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Mountains, peaksDomains: Earth, Strength, TravelFavored Weapon: SlingKnown Proxies: Essylt y’Marc’h, N quasi-power (female half-elf) Rgr 9

A little known and relatively insignificant Power, Dunatis is the keeper of mountain ranges and peaks. He styles himself “Spire-Builder”, but this outrageous claim is largely unsupported. However, a few rilmani do worship him, so make of it what you will.

The realm of Dunatis is a single, miles-high mountain called Pinnacle. The terrain is difficult and filled with wild animal and plants. Dunatis is a fairly friendly cutter for a Power, and chooses to appear often among mortals and petitioners on Pinnacle, assuming a normal-looking humanoid form, but a different one each time.

GOIBHNIUThe Blacksmith of the GodsIntermediate Power

Symbol: An anvilHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: Neutral goodPortfolio: Weaponsmithing, blessings, feastsDomains: Artifice, Good, WarFavored Weapon: WarhammerKnown Proxies: Luchta, NG quasi-power (female elf) Ftr 20; Creidhne, NG quasi-power (male dwarf) Ftr 20

Goibhniu is the smith of the gods and the god of smiths. He is said to bestow magical powers to particularly skilled blacksmiths. Along with his proxies, Goibhniu fashioned weapons for Lugh at the battle of Magh Tuiredh. The smith god is a generally warm and friendly fellow. He is especially fond of sharing stories of battle and fine armaments. However, when made angry, Goibhniu will show no pity.

Goibhniu’s realm, the Great Smithy, is a hollow hill plagued by the neverending thunder of hammers at work. Goibhniu appears as a brawny smith, muscled and blackened by hard work at the forge. While Haephestus is a fairly commonly-seen guest, the Japanese power Ama-Tsu-Mara rarely drops by any more; he is thought to be jealous of Goibnhiu’s skill. Druids worshiping Goibhniu can wield any weapon they forge for themselves without breaking their vows.


LUGHThe Shining OneIntermediate Power

Symbol: An eight-pointed starHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: Chaotic neutralPortfolio: Arts, crafts, commerce, horsesDomains: Chaos, Luck, Travel, WarFavored Weapon: SpearKnown Proxies: Samholdanach, CN quasi-power (male human) Sor 13

Lugh can best be described as the god of excellence, reputed to be not only the inventor and patron of the arts, but also an expert in such diverse fields as sorcery, history, craftsmanship of all sorts, story telling, and heroism. Lugh is rather self-confident, and eager to keep his hand in mundane affairs. He keeps an eye out for fair play in human matters, stepping in with his avatar to affect the outcome of endeavors within his own expertise.

Like his brother Diancecht, Lug is a wanderer of the lands of his worshippers, consorting with the various goddesses of the lands that he meets. His travel companion is usually the proxy wild mage Samholdanach. Lugh’s preferred appearance is that of a young, beardless warrior with spear and sling.

MANANNAN MAC LIRLord of the CapesIntermediate Power

Symbol: A stylized fishHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir fo ThuinnAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Oceans, aquatic creaturesDomains: Protection, Water, WeatherFavored Weapon: GreatswordKnown Proxies: Barin, LN quasi-power (male tiefling); Barr-find, LN quasi-power (male half orc) Bbn 11

The god of the sea is a knowledgeable custodian of the oceans. Manannan mac Lir rides over the waves on his chariot, pulled by various creatures of the sea, admiring its beauty and governing its bountiful operation. To Manannan mac Lir, the oceans are a vast plain, the various fishes either cattle or sheep. He has great respect for those mortals who can master the seas, but has no pity for those who fail and drown within them.

Tir fo Thuinn is a neighbor-realm to Tir na Og, an underwater domain of stunning beauty. Manannan is the only Power that rules there. His petitioners live odd lives that appear to be imitations of their life above surface. Manannan mac Lir appears as a gigantic green-haired man in shell armor. His chariot is drawn by unusual aquatic creatures, possibly his children. Manannan mac Lir’s priests are encouraged to protect the sea and its creatures at all times.

MATH MATHONWYThe Miser of SorceryLesser Power

Symbol: A quarterstaffHome Plane/Realm: Gehenna/CorriegraveAlignment: Lawful evilPortfolio: Sorcery, secretsDomains: Evil, Law, MagicFavored Weapon: QuarterstaffKnown Proxies: None

Math Mathonwy is the Celtic god of sorcery. Feared and respected, he carries a mighty magical staff and wears a torc given to him by the other gods. He is fiercely possessive of his skills, does not tolerate disobedience or treachery, and has vented his wrath upon many followers who have violated his trust. He saves his magic mainly for his own purposes, and seldom casts spells for the good of his fellow deities, let alone mortals.

So tight is the grip on magic maintained by Math Mathonwy that he refuses to imbue proxies with his power. The few sods who had petitioned him have faced “a fate worse than death”.

Math’s realm on Khalas is Corriegrave, nestled under an overhang of pure obsidian. Math Mathonwy seldom ventures from this domain; when he does, he appears as an elderly man in heavy tunic and robes. Math insists that his feet rest in the lap of a maiden whenever possible.

MORRIGANQueen of GhostsIntermediate Power

Symbol: A sword hiltHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: Chaotic evilPortfolio: Battle, strife, warDomains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, WarFavored Weapon: ShortspearKnown Proxies: Macha, Fen, Neman, and Badb, CE quasi-powers (female human) Ftr 16

Morrigan is the goddess of war. A fearsome warrior, causing great fear in her opponents, she always wages her own battles with a spear in either hand. She is terribly ugly, laughs a maniacal laugh, and has dreadful manners. “The Morrigan”, as she is sometimes referred to, is bent on warfare at every turn. She expects all mortals – and especially her followers – to fight constantly, encouraging petty wars where there otherwise would be none. At one time, Morrigan tried to seduce the hero Cu Chulainn, but on failure she turned against him and nearly killed him.

Morrigan’s realm within Tir na Og is called the Bloody Fields, for obvious reasons. There are no buildings or lasting settlements, and the daily life of one of Morrigan’s petitioner closely resembles that of an Ysgard petitioner.

Morrigan often observes battles and will not tolerate fear among her followers — she will strike dead any follower that turns and flees from a battle she is watching. Morrigan appears in many forms, usually as a hag, but sometimes as a crow or a beautiful young woman.

NUADASilver Hand, Warrior’s FriendGreater Power

Symbol: Silver hand on black fieldHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Battlefield valor, warriorsDomains: Protection, Retribution, Strength, WarFavored Weapon: Unarmed strikeKnown Proxies: None

Nuada is a legendary warrior-god, a hero of the wars with the giant-kin. He lost his hand to a fomorian foe, but Diancecht fashioned him a new one, made of silver and stronger than the original one. The new and improved Nuada defeated the fomorians and firbolg, driving them off the lands coveted by the Celts.

Today Nuada “shares” Morrigan's portfolio, but while soldiers pray to the Queen of Ghosts to spare them her wrath, they pray to Nuada to grant them his protection and mercy.

Nuada rules over Mag Tuieradh, the Plain of Pillars. This realm is a misty, colorless, plain dotted with standing stones. Nuada somehow draws the strength of his petitioners, and the chant has it he is relatively close to ascension. He holds no proxies. Nuada’s priests traditionally bear a grudge against all giant-kin.

OGHMABinder of What is KnownGreater Power

Symbol: A Celtic chaliceHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Bards, inspiration, knowledgeDomains: Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, TrickeryFavored Weapon: LongswordKnown Proxies: Fial Cairbre, NG quasi-power

Oghma is the god of eloquence and language. His speeches and words carry great weight with his listeners, and he is often depicted as having gold chains between his tongue and the ears of his listeners; Celts have great respect for the powers of persuasive speech that Oghma personifies. Oghma invented the beautiful script which can be easily carved into stone or wood, especially at places devoted to his worship. Oghma is also known to be a champion, both as a warrior and as a patron of ideas. He seeks justice and will occasionally go out of his way to see that it is done. Priests of Oghma are known to preserve both the oral and written bardic tradition of the Celts.

Oghma dwells in the House of Knowledge, a land of ancient oaks and clear night skies. He enjoys visiting and speaking to his flock in the form of an old, wrinkled, dark-skinned man wearing a lion’s skin. He strengthens their collective resolve to worship him, and teaches his priests the arts of his lettering and persuasiveness. Unlike most Celtic deities, Oghma is worshiped in the crystal sphere of Toril, on the Prime Material Plane. These worshipers are not necessarily Celts.

SILVANUSThe OakfatherGreater Power

Symbol: A summer oak leafHome Plane/Realm: Outlands/Tir na OgAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Wild nature, druidsDomains: Animal, Plant, protection, Renewal, WaterFavored Weapon: MaulKnown Proxies: the Hierophant, N quasi-power (female half-elf) Drd 20

An ancient power, Silvanus the Oakfather is believed to care more for the creatures of the wild than his own petitioners and mortal worshippers. He is emotionally distant when it comes to the necessity of having a balance in nature, and wrathful to those who threaten wild places.

Silvanus dwells in the deepest reaches of Tir na Og, where the vegetation grows thick and feral. He appears before his followers almost exclusively among these great trees, in the so-called House of Nature. He usually chooses the form of an old, bearded human face floating in midair among trees or sprouting from the trunk of an ancient oak. Most priests of Silvanus are druids of some sort, as there are few “formal” clerics. Unlike most Celtic deities, Silvanus is worshiped in the crystal sphere of Toril, on the Prime Material Plane. These worshippers are not necessarily Celts.

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