
Copyright © 1999 by Torsten Bernhardt Short and lithe, these reptilian humanoids roam the deserts of Pelion, taking what they need from travelers in exchange for protection as long as the party stays in Pelion. Those who refuse the exchange often find their equipment goes missing anyway, for the gathan are skilled in the arts of sneaking and thievery. Should the bargain be accepted, the gathan take metal objects only, for they have no smiths and little need for anything else. In return, the gathan keep watch over the travelers, tell them the nearest burg's location, and leaving them skins of water and some food, if necessary. Where the food and water come from is unknown, and the gathan will never lead anyone to their oases and gardens for fear of losing future "partners" should the locations get out. This arrangement can be embarrassing if the gathan decide to follow the travelers into town, which they sometimes do. If this is the case, they will examine goods that the party tries to purchase, taste their food to ensure that it is not poisoned, and stand guard at night. Non-gathan must be careful with their initial exchange; if too little is offered, the gathan will take what they can and steal the rest. If too much is given, they will follow the party everywhere, as above. The gathan take insults as a matter of course, and cannot be driven off that way. If attacked, they possess poisonous saliva that paralyzes the victim and inflicts a disease, so enduring their attention is suggested. |