Shackles of Light

Carnifex's picture
Somehow someone or something has managed to transform the power of lightning and turn it into a solid form. These shackles contain all the power and fury of a lightning storm and at one time could probably contain even the most powerful of creatures. Now, it looks as if the spells that have bound the lightning are failing, as evident by the constant discharge of energy. Throwing the chains should be enough to release the energy contained within them – doing so unleashes the power of the lightning in the form of a Chain Lightning spell. Once the energy has been used up, the shackles become useless.By: Christopher AllenImported from a previous version of
Type Wonderous Item, Magical
Market Value: 3,600 gp's
Craft Level: 12th
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost: 1,800 gp's, 144 XP
Weight :2 lbs
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