Ring of Pain

Anonymous's picture
This ring is shaped like a small black serpent twined around itself several time, and it has emerald eyes and diamond fangs. When first worn, the ring shifts so the serpent head is facing forward and the fangs plunge into the wielder's finger. (Doing 1d4 points of damage that cannot be healed while the ring is worn.) In addition, the ring drains the wearer of 2 points of Constitution (which remains until the ring is removed). The ring cannot be removed unless forced (cut the finger off, high-level remove curse, etc) or the wielder dies. The ring is reputedly crafted by the tanar'ri, and it is claimed that they are able to observe everything that occurs around the wearer through the ring. Of course, that could just be a story made up to explain why the serpent's eyes occasionally glow. Few other credible explanations have been offered for this phenomenon.

The ring has the following abilities:

  • Produce Flame 1/day (for 12 rounds, can throw flame 120' or melee, does 1d4+6)
  • Charm Person 3/week (Will save, DC 20, person charmed for 4+1d6 days)
  • Bestow Disease 3/week (causes a disease that acts as a Bestow Curse spell. Disease causes skin to tighten painfully, causing either -6 to one ability score or -4 on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, 50% chance of each)
  • Improved Invisibility 2/week (lasts for 2 hours, +2 to hit, target gets no Dex bonus, attackers must guess location and 50% chance to miss)By: James BolognaImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
  • Type Ring, Magical
    Market Value: 80,000
    Craft Level: 11
    Craft Prerequisites:
    Creation Cost:
    Weight :Negligible
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