The Ice has it!

Loki De Carabas's picture

Need some time to cool yer heels? The Ice has it!

 Is the heat on Gehenna getting to you? Do ya need a little cooling offafter a cruise down the Styx? If so, then this tour is just right foryou!

Unfortunately, we don't havea direct path to your destination, so you'll have to use the nearestportal or conduit and slide into the Inner Planes. Whichever route youuse, you'll want to head on over to the lovely tourist mecca of thePara-Elemental Plane of Ice, Tierra Minuut.

Once there, you'll be joinedby one of the best tour guides we employ, Joash Snowblossom. Joash willbegin your excursion through one of the most beautiful places in all ofthe multiverse. She will lead you from Tierra Minuut acrossbreathtaking landscapes to the Mountain of Ultimate Winter. This is areally "cool" place that provides an excellent view of the surroundingice flows and the varying degrees of wildlife.

Now once you return from yourhike to the Mountain, you might want to enjoy even more outdooractivities. You'll be in luck as this tour can provide you with all ofthe fun that you'll ever need. From igloo building to narwhal hunting,the hosts in Tierra Minuut can provide you with everything you need tomake the most of your adventures.

Even at night the entertainment doesn't stop in this oddly warm burg. Luminot's Frozen Porpoise,a plane-renowned eatery, often has performances of drumming dancers andinvites diners to play a roughhouse version of musical chairs that hasfriends and strangers toppling over one another on the icy floors.

The accommodations arelimited so make your reservations early. And remember the best time tovisit Tierra Minuut is any time you feel the heat!


by Alicia PerryBe Tarmy!Don't run off without having the right equipment, bloods! Try a list of the following items, all available at Snail Outfitters!Ice Claws, Waterproofed Pancho and Element Missiles.

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