Get fit in Acheron!

Loki De Carabas's picture

 Want to see a soldier's life fer a day? This is fer you! Get fit in Acheron!


Here's a tour for those who want to be as rorty as they've ever beenand see what military life is like without signing away half theirlives! Join your lathly goblin guide Borghayik, one of the renownedSteelbiters, on an intensive three-week training period in Maglubiyet'srealm of Clangor.

In the town of Cripplace,you'll get a visitor's necklace and join actual recruits, both goblinand other, who have joined the forces of Maglubiyet. You'll do thestandard strength and endurance training, weapon training, and alsolearn stern discipline that will do you good for the rest of your life.

Surface evacuation trainingwon't help you once you leave Avalas, but it will let you survive thecrashing of battle cubes while on Acheron, which is an experience totell your grandchildren about! Those of the correct size can even tryto learn to ride a dire wolf, a rare honor in combat.

If you choose, you can eventake a dice against orcish troops in combat! Borghayik will lead thenew troops into battle at the end of the training period, and you canbe with them! See how that great big hobgoblin that was so tough intraining reacts to an ogre bearing down on him. See the gleam of fearin the eyes of orcs when they see you heading their way fresh fromtraining! Watch the dire wolf cavalry in action; you'll never callgoblins "biters" again. You'll feel closer to those in your unit thanyou ever thought you could.

If you've been lucky enoughto make it all the way through training, you might as well put whatyou've learned to the test! Many of those who made it this far in thetour have decided that the thrill of battle is too much to give up andhave elected to remain in Acheron for the never-ending glory that isbattle. Do you have what it takes?


by Torsten BernhardtBe Tarmy!Don't run off without having the right equipment, bloods! Try a list of the following items, all available at Snail Outfitters!Antimetal Boots, and Periapt of Discipline.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.