Visit the Case of the Titans!

Loki De Carabas's picture

Carcerian Special! Visit the Case of the Titans!


Now, I'm sure all of you have heard of the Olympians. Maybe you've evenvisited their kip in Arborea and gambled away the night at Hermes'Hall. However, what do ya know about the Titans, ya know their theOlympians' parents? Join the esteemed guide Theramanas on a trip toCarceri, where the Titans live and suffer at the massive Mount Othrys!

Begin the tour atour main store in Ironhearth and be carried in style to the portal toCurst, the gatetown to Carceri. You'll be riding high in sedan chairs,no blitzing on this tour! Your sedan carriers will also double as yourkeepers in Carceri.

Once in Curst, relax at The Oubliette,one of the most recommended inns in the burg or bang around thecircular streets and skeg the unusual form of politics practiced on thestreets. Careful, you'll wanna watch out for the razorwine on the outerwalls!

After a day in the town, donsome warm clothing and pass on through the gate to Carceri. Once acrossyou'll hike to the former Curst, long since pulled into its currentplane. On the way, catch a skeg at the red glow and the loomingneighboring bead. There's nothing else like it anywhere on the GreatRing!

In the former Curst, climbinto a balloon with experienced balloonist Jecassi Namn and sail offinto the sky! She'll make sure that you're safe, sound and sane whenyou land on the Titan's bead, near the burg of Chalcidis. Pick up someneeded supplies and travel through the mountains to Althea Damaskaros'kip, a hostel at the foot of Mount Othrys itself! A priestess of theTitans, Althea will tell ya the darks about the Titans: their history,passions, and personalities. If you dare it, have the garnish andconvince her that you're worthy, she may even take ya to see a Titan ortwo!

After a day (maybe more, ifya manage to get a rare visit with a Titan), return to Chalcidis andride Jecassi Namn's balloon to another new bead. Pass through a gate tothe Outlands, near a portal that will take you back to dear oldIronhearth, amazed at the book you've earned in such a short period oftime.

Theramanas is a trustworthyhende verbeeg who has traveled throughout Carceri for what he says is aturn or two. His square ogre team, which will carry you to the portaland then travel to Mount Othrys with you, will keep any potentialnasties away, letting you enjoy your trip to its fullest. This entirecrew has worked for Snail Outfitters for many cycles and we've yet tohear anything but glowing praise for their conduct.

Remember that the lowerplanes are always dangerous! Snail Outfitters hires the best guides andguards that it can, but cannot foresee all possible events. Take theappropriate precautions, follow your guide's instructions and allshould be well. Because of the enmity between the Titans and Olympians,natives of Arborea are advised to forego this tour, and no worshippersof the Olympians will be accepted for this trip, no matter what thegarnish.


by Torsten Bernhardt

Be Tarmy!Don't run off without having the right equipment, bloods! Try a list of the following items, all available at Snail Outfitters!League Boots!, Longstrider Leggings, and Sandshoes.

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