Try our Bytopian special!

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Want to see the multiverse, but can't afford it?Try our Bytopian special!


Travelling the multiverse can be expensive and not every cutter canafford the garnish, gate keys and equipment for a jaunt to the Halls ofGruwuith or the Mountain of Ecstasy. If this describes you, don'tdespair! You can still travel to Bytopia for little more than the sweatof your brow.

If you're willing to work,Bytopia's the plane for you! Your guide, Jumper McCluskey, will show yathe sights of the most industrious plane on the Great Ring for a smalldaily fee. Room and board are yours for odd jobs and if you're willingyou can even make a bit o' profit! Imagine the look on the faces ofyour friends when you return from your travels wiser, stronger, andricher!

The tour starts with a freeportal ride to the calm layer of Dothion. Stay for a few days at thelegendary Wandering Treant, then head off for the gnomish town ofGlitterhome to see how the short ones live. Stay there as long as youwant before you travel to the magnificent Golden Hills, home of theGnome pantheon. Then it's up the Centrespire to wilder and more ruggedShurrock, the "ceiling" of Bytopia. See the aptly named RidiculousTower; visit the gem-encrusted underground city of Brightnight, wherethe svirfneblin have what must be the only guardian moles around!

After Shurrock, it's backdown the Centrespire and off to Yeoman, where you'll be able to spendany jink you've made on some of the best goods anywhere, made bymasterful gnomish hands. If you think that Tradegate is a bustlingmarket center, it's only because you haven't seen Yeoman yet. FromYeoman, a portal will take you back to Ironhearth, a planewalker atlast!


by Torsten BernhardtBe Tarmy!Don't run off without having the right equipment, bloods! Try a list of the following items, all available at Snail Outfitters!Bytopian backpack trowel and Pack of Loadbearing.

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