Greensteel Ring

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A ring of this type is very rare indeed. It is forged from Baatorian greensteel and is enchanted to extend its properties to the wearer.

Once per day, the wearer can invoke the power of the ring. Upon invoking the power the wearer will find that his skin hardens and takes on the texture and colour of greensteel.

The wearer gains a +4 enchantment bonus to his or her AC for 4 rounds after which the power is used for that day.The extra weight behind their attacks grants a +2 enhancement bonus to wearer's Strength for the duration of the power.Due to the change in the wearer's body they suffer a -2 Dexterity penalty, as a result of the tightness of their skin. The wearer's weight does not alter enough to have any effect on things such as sinking in water, but it does impose a -4 penalty to any swim checks taken by any character dumb enough to invoke the power and try to swim.

Type Ring, Magical
Market Value: 10,000 GP
Craft Level: 12th level
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost: 6,000 + the cost of the Greensteel (100GP normally
Weight :Negligible
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