Black Barbed Curse

Carnifex's picture
Black Barbed Curse Conjuration, (Summoning),
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Time: 1 action
Target: 1 creature
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet / 2 levels)
Area: N/A
Effect: N/A
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
Ravel's maze seeks new fields in which to grow. This spell summons some of the barbed seeds from the maze of the night hag Ravel Puzzlewell (who tried to take on the Lady of Pain and ended up mazed) to burrow inside the target's flesh.When cast, the spellcaster can select any target within range. When a target is selected, the spell summons a swirling mass of black barbs that grow and burrow into any target for 4d4 hit points of piercing damage.Converted from: Planescape:Torment By: Christopher Allen Imported from a previous version of
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