Home » Accelerate

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2004-11-24 02:00
Some psionicists are capable of drastically altering their own metabolisms, doubling their speeds for short periods of time. A character accelerated in this fashion is under an effect similar to the haste spell, plus a few other benefits:
The use of spells and psionics is not augmented by this power, although it can be used to counter and dispel a slowing effect, such as the haste spell counters and dispels slow. By: Emiliano De SantisImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com |
Disciplines: Psychometabolism |
Level: 3 |
Display: Silvery goo around the feet of the caster |
Manifest: 1 standard action |
Range: Personal |
Target: The caster |
Effect: |
Duration: 2 rounds/level |
Save: Nil |
Resist: 0 |
Points: 5 |