Home » Wings of Hope
Wings of Hope

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
These appear as a set of simple chest straps, similar to a bandoleer. When the command word is spoken, a pair of white feathered angelic wings rapidly grow from the cross-over section in the middle of the wearer's back.These wings provide the wearer with the ability to fly at a movement rate of 60ft, with a maneuverability class of good. In addition to the gift of flight, the Wings of Hope also endow the wearer with a +2 Luck bonus to Dexterity whilst it is active. This bonus affects all aspects of the ability score - from AC and Reflex Save to Weapon Finesse if applicable.The Wings of Hope may only be activated once per day, and stay active for 10 minutes per level of the creater (Minimum 50 minutes). Activating the item is a standard action that confers an attack of opportunity. The action can be cut short by simply closing the wings; this loses any remaining time for the day. |
Type Wonderous Item, Magical |
Market Value: 15,400gp |
Craft Level: Sor/Wiz 5 |
Craft Prerequisites: |
Creation Cost: 7,700gp, 616xp |
Weight :2lbs when not in use |