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Flood Evocation, ,
Level: Druid 9, Ocean 9
Components: V, S, DF
Time: 1 minute
Target: N/A
Range: Personal
Area: 100 feet + 10 feet/level
Effect: N/A
Duration: 1 hour/level
Save: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes dams to burst and water to pour onto the land.

Mechanically, after casting, this produces an immense torrent of water that just keeps comming! In effect, this creates a flood of fast-moving water 10 feet deep per caster level. This water continues to rush for the duration, including all the effects of fast-moving water that are environmental (property damage, things being swept away, people swept under, etc.).

The spell's effect is centered on the caster, causing the area of the spell to arise with the caster at the center (the caster better be well-equipped to deal with the flood condition!)

The flood waters themselves, other than sweeping those who fail their saves along, may deal drowning damage after a time. The reflex save mentioned avoids originally being washed away by high waves and waters.

This force of nature takes the entire casting time to accumulate, during which the waters are flowing in, causing the save or be washed away effect. This does not include the non-magical damage, of course, of drowning, bludgeoning, and having, say, trees fall on top of you.

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