Evoker's Battlering

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This ring is a small band of steel inlaid with silver designs depicting a ring of arcing lightning and small fiery globes. It is set with a highly polished lapis lazuli that seems to glow faintly with an inner light.

Rings of this type were crafted in large numbers for the Crimson Guild, a band of evokers who employed themselves as mercenaries across the planes; these rings ensured that they were never short of firepower during a lengthy battle. Several rings fell into the possession of non-guild members after they were lost during battle or stolen, and after the guilds eventual destruction at the hands of a vengeful warband of tanar'ri a large number appeared on the open market. They are highly prized by any mage who is intending to go to war.

By speaking the correct command word, the wearer of an Evoker's Battlering can invoke the Lightning Bolt spell three times per day (DC 15, 7d6), and the Fireball spell three times per day (DC 15, 7d6). The ring can also invoke a Fire Shield (Warm) and a Fire Shield (Chill) each once per day. Finally, the ring gives a +5 resistance bonus to all saves against mind-affecting spells.

Type Ring, Magical
Market Value: 76,054 gp
Craft Level: 7th
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost: 38,027 gp, 3042 XP
Weight :Negligible
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