Home » Enoll Eva’s Duplication
Enoll Eva’s Duplication

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
Enoll Eva’s Duplication Divination, , |
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 |
Components: V, S, M |
Time: 1 action |
Target: 1 creature |
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet / level) |
Area: N/A |
Effect: N/A |
Duration: 1 round / level |
Save: No |
Spell Resistance: Yes |
This'spell' is actually a complex mathematical equation accidentally discovered by the modron, Enoll Eva, while calculating the multiplication factor on various linear algebraic formulas. The results are devastating: This equation allows all subsequent actions to be doubled or duplicated. Hence it was found that during confrontations, all physical or magical attacks were seemingly doubled - dealing twice the amount of damage. The Duplication can only be discovered from the Twisted Gear of Enoll Eva, an artifact. This spell affects a single target. When cast, all subsequent attacks (physical or magical) will be duplicated once: For example, after attacking once with a weapon, the attack will be immediately duplicated - same for spells (cast a Magic Missile, and immediately afterwards, another Magic Missile spell will launch). This effect lasts until the spell duration ends. The spell does have a dark side though. All damage dealt to the target of the spell is also doubled, for as long as the spell is in effect, as a result of the duplication. Material Component: a gem of at least 500 gp’s worth, cut perfectly square. |