Elemental Strike

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Elemental Strike Evocation, , [Fire, Sonic, Acid, Lightning or Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Time: 1 action
Target: 1 creature
Range: (100 feet + 10 feet / level)
Area: 10 foot radius spread
Effect: -
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex ½
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster chooses a single energy type (fire, cold, sonic, acid or electricity) as the type of damage the spell will deal, and then fires forth a single globe of the appropriate type at the enemy, requiring a ranged touch attack to hit. A successful hit inflicts d8 damage per level of the energy type to the target, up to a maximum of 12d8; the target may make a Reflex save for ½ damage. Anyone within 10 feet of the explosion takes d6 damage per caster level of the energy type, up to a maximum of 12d6, with a reflex save reducing the damage by half.
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