Home » Echolocation

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
Echolocation Transmutation, , |
Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Ocean 4 |
Components: V, S |
Time: 1 action |
Target: Touched creature |
Range: Touch |
Area: N/A |
Effect: N/A |
Duration: 1 roud/level |
Save: Fort negates (harmless) |
Spell Resistance: Yes |
This spell allows you to use sound in place of sight. This has many advantages, such as being able to see through transparent objects, finding invisible creatures, and other such deceptions. Mechanically, Echolocation allows you to "sense" sound waves that you emit as they bounce back to you. While the spell is in effect, you emit a slight, high-pitched click. You hear the echo of this click very clearly, and you get a clear picture of the solid objects within 60 feet of you. This is as good as sight, and it renders insubstantial objects, such as most illusions, mists, and clouds, transparent (negating penalties and effects of them for the target). It also reveals objects that are solid, but hidden from sight, such as things that are invisible. Within 60 feet, you have blindsight, basically. |