Home » Dustman Earring
Dustman Earring

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
This earring has the smell of ash and dust about it and is icy cold to the touch. When worn, the earring shields the wearer from temperature extremes, granting the wearer partial resistance to heat and cold. Furthermore, the earring also protects the wearer from mind-influencing magics and magics that attack the body, including paralyzation and death magic. The wearer gains DR 15 points vs. fire or cold damage dealt to him each turn. Further, against any spell that would paralyse, or death magic that would outright kill the wearer (e.g. Finger of Death), he gains a +2 resistance bonus to his saves. The earring signifies the wearer's allegiance to the Dustmen and can only be worn by a member of the Dustman faction. According to rumor, this earring helps dull the Dustmen to the effects of the outside world. |
Type Wonderous Item, Magical |
Market Value: 25,000 gp's |
Craft Level: 6th |
Craft Prerequisites: |
Creation Cost: 12,500 gp's, 1000 XP |
Weight :Negligible |