Discover Origin

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This power is used to find out the plane of origin of any creature. Instead of divining the plane directly, it taps into a creature's subconcious to find their plane of origin. This means that while the information is usually accurate, it is only accurate with regards to the person from that plane.

Thus, if someone thinks they were born on Arborea, but are actually Prime, for instance, the origin will detect as Prime. If someone is unaware that the multiverse exists outside of the realms of their gods, their "plane of origin" may register as the domain of their god. If someone calls the Gray Waste of Hades simply "Gray Waste," (or even "Elysium") the power reports "Gray Waste (or "Elysium") as the plane of origin. If the person does not know what plane they were born on, the power will likewise not be able to find the creature's origin. The power cannot be lied to, but is limited in it's divinitory powers to what the target thinks is their plane of origin.

Disciplines: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting],
Level: Psion 1
Display: Mental
Manifest: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Effect: N/A
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Resist: 0
Points: 1
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