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Dictate Enchantment, (Compulsion), [Mind-effecting] [Language-Dependent]
Level: Law 2
Components: V
Time: 1 action
Target: Up to six creatures, all of which must be within a 20 ft. cube
Range: 90 ft
Area: N/A
Effect: N/A
Duration: 1 round per caster level
Save: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The dictate spell improves on the 1st level spell command. It can affect up to six creatures at once with effects lasting more than one round. Dictate allows the caster to speak a short, precise phrase or order of no more than a dozen that all targets must obey if they fail their saving throws. Example include "Throw down your weapons!" or "Stay here until I return!" and even "Seize that Elf!" The caster must state the command in a language the targets know, or the spell fails. Subjects continue to obey long-term orders (such as "Wait here.") for up to one round per caster level.

To dictate an order, a Hardhead must phrase it to create an immediate course of physical action for the target. Commands to "die" or "sleep" usually don’t work, but mandates to "Lie down and put your hands behind your head!" prove effective. If the faction member phrases the order poorly, DMs can assign the targets saving throw circumstance bonuses of +1 to +4. If the caster directs the intended victims to perform an obviously self-destructive action ("Throw yourself off that cliff!"), victims who fail their saving throws stand still for one round, fighting the compulsion to obey.

This spell was originally printed in the The Factol's Manifesto.

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