Home » Desert Hell
Desert Hell

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
Desert Hell Evocation, , - |
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 |
Components: V, S, M |
Time: 1 action |
Target: - |
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet / 2 levels) |
Area: 50 foot x 50 foot square |
Effect: - |
Duration: Instantaneous |
Save: Fortitude ½ |
Spell Resistance: Yes |
‘Hell’ is an oft-debated term. Some say Hell is Baator; others, the Abyss. The mage who created this spell was an advocate of the theory that nothing could be worse than the endless dunes and scorching heat of the desert. The spell summons the scorching heat of the desert planes to burn all enemies in the area. They suffer 5d10 points of damage; those who make a successful Fortitude save suffer only half damage.Material Component: A pinch of desert sand. |