Home » Death's Breath
Death's Breath

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
Death's Breath Necromancy, NA, Bloodmoon, Cornugon Werewolf |
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 |
Components: V, S |
Time: 1 action |
Target: One creature with a constitution score |
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) |
Area: NA |
Effect: Minor flesh rot causes -2 to fortitude saves |
Duration: 1 minute |
Save: None |
Spell Resistance: No |
Death's Breath is a penetrative spell designed by 5th Circle Initiate, Schron Kelskroth. It was made to pierce the spell resistance of a certain marilith which was causing problems for the Dustmen, so that its constitution would be lowered to the point that it could be infected with a specially made disease (sold to us by Witherheart). Unfortunetly, the endeavour still failed as the tanar'ri had already prepared for the encounter and killed the initiates before they could inject the liquid into the fiend. (A little known fact however is that the fiend was killed shortly thereafter by a Baatorian disease that was released from the corpse of one of the initiates who happened to be an erinyes on contract with us.)<> By: Nicholas Tomsho Imported from a previous version of Planewalker.com |