Comprehend Writing

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From The Planar Psionics Netbook--

(Author's Note: This power is listed as a power for the Baku in both the Complete Psionics Handbook and the Planescape Monstrous Compendium, but does not seem to be detailed in any of the psionics books. Here is my creation of it.)

Using this power enables the manifester to read any language through the power of psychic impressions on the surface it was written on. Any number of languages may be read while under this power's duration: a manifester may read a text written in Ancient Baatorian and then switch to Eladrin Love Poetry.

In all respects, it functions as a normal comprehend languages spell would, save that is can only translate written words.

This spell does not allow the manifester to read magical writings and the manifester is still subject to all the effects of reading the writing.

Disciplines: Clairsentience (Wis), ---
Level: Psi 0
Display: Ma
Manifest: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Effect: N/A
Duration: Concentration, 10 minutes/level
Save: None
Resist: 0
Points: 1
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