Cockroach Charm

Anonymous's picture
Cockroaches are as common on the Planes as other scavengers. The shell of this particular dead cockroach has been dotted with paints and faint arcane symbols. The magic contained within the charm is activated when the roach is consumed. When swallowed, the recipient temporarily gains the protection of the cockroach. Their skin hardens, taking on the strength of a suit of chain mail armour, and the charmed individual becomes difficult to squash, giving them added protection vs. crushing attacks. This has the effect of giving them a +4 natural armour bonus, which is increased to +6 against bludgeoning attacks, for 10 minutes. As a charm, it does not provoke an attack of opportunity when used.
Type Wonderous Item, Magical
Market Value: 750 gp's
Craft Level: 5th
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost: 375 gp's, 15 XP
Weight :Negligible
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