Clot Charm

Anonymous's picture
This glistening blood drop is as hard and smooth as a pearl. When placed on the tongue, it dissolves instantly and spreads through the character's bloodstream. The charm stimulates the user's blood into clotting and scabbing over existing wounds, healing any minor damage the user may have suffered before consuming the charm. Furthermore, as long as the charm is in effect, the character's blood becomes more "aware" of new wounds that occur, especially any attacks that draw blood. The charmed individual becomes more resistant to slashing and piercing attacks, as their blood clots and scabs over the wound as soon as the flesh is torn. In this way, a clot charm heals 9 hit points, and also gives a +1 natural armour bonus for the next ten rounds, against slashing and piercing attacks only. Using the charm is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Type Wonderous Item, Magical
Market Value: 85 gp's
Craft Level: 3rd
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost: 42.5 gp's, 3 XP
Weight :Negligible
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