Celestial Host

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Celestial Host Conjuration, Creation, [Good]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Clr 9
Components: V, S
Time: 1 action
Target: -
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet / level)
Area: 50 feet radius spread
Effect: -
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex ½
Spell Resistance: Yes
While the proxies and beings of the Celestial planes are seen as the embodiment of kindness, compassion, and benevolence, their might easily rivals those of Baator or the Abyss. Woe to those who underestimate the power of the Upper Planes! When cast, four powerful phantasms of celestial beings ( an astral deva, a phoenix, a solar aasimon and a gold dragon) are called to help eradicate all enemies within the spells area. All hostile creatures suffer 15d8 damage, with a successful Reflex save halving it. Friendly creatures are unharmed.
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