Home » Armband of Constraint
Armband of Constraint

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2004-11-23 02:00
This item is a leather armband, similiar in appearance to one which might be used as the material component for a Freedom of Movement spell. The effect is quite different, however, as this armband invokes a Hold Person effect on its wearer when a specific condition is met. This effect will last for one round per caster level of the creator of the Armband. The condition is determined by the caster when the Armband is made. The condition should relate to some action by the wearer, something that they might say, or a location that they might enter. Until the condition is met, the Armband can function as the material component for a Freedom of Movement spell normally; this does not protect from the Hold Person of the Armband itself. This item can be single use or made with multiple charges.Removing this armband requires a Remove Curse effect. |
Type Wonderous Item, Magical |
Market Value: 5000 gp (those with multiple charges cost more) |
Craft Level: 11th |
Craft Prerequisites: |
Creation Cost: |
Weight :Negligible |