The Tattle-Tale

Anonymous's picture
This enchanted ventriloquist's doll wearsa theatrical costume of its owner's choiceand has the appearance of a caricaturizedlittle girl with golden curls. When a ventriloquist using this doll says the command word (usually as part of a routine)it blurts out the thoughts of any beingit is being pointed at up to 60' away (save vs. Will to conceal thoughts, DC 17). Theuser must observe the target for at least2 rounds before using the doll's power on the selected target. The doll can alsobe programmed to make a statement up to25 words in length when triggered by partof the ventriloquist's routine.
Type Wonderous Item, Magical
Market Value:
Craft Level: Arcane caster level 5
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost:
Weight :10 lb.
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