
Anonymous's picture
Swim Transmutation, ,
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Ocean 2
Components: V, S, M
Time: 1 action
Target: Touched creature
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Effect: N/A
Duration: 2 hrs/LV
Save: Fort negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell is popular with those who favor aquatic environments, but don't have the fins, tails, and webbing that allows speedy swimming. This spell grants you the aquatic agility of a fish!

The target of this spell gains a Swim speed of 50 ft. This supercedes natural skill and ability (unless the previous swim speed is greater -- the effect does not stack) but Swim checks can be used to do aquatic acrobatics (skimming the surface, loop-the-loops, etc.) The character can also now perform any actions in the water as easily as they could on land, given an almost supernatural feel for how to use weapons and skills effectively in the water.

Be advised: this spell does not confer ability to breathe in water, only to operate in it.

Material Component: This spell requires the swim bladder of a fish to use.

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