Summon Least Baatezu

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Summon Least Baatezu Conjuration, Summoning, Diabolic
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Time: 1 action
Target: N/A
Range: Special
Area: 30-yard radius
Effect: N/A
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell is a specialized version of monster summoning I that calls forth the lowest forms of devilkind. Least baatezu - lemures and nupperibos - are mindless creatures that form the bulk of the rank-and-file troops of the armies of Hell. While they can be summoned, they cannot be bargained with. They simply lack the mental capacity to communicate. Like the subjects of other monster summing spells, least baatezu need only be pointed toward a foe and they will attack relentlessly.The spell summons 2d4 lemures or 2d6 nupperibo's (caster's choice). The caster can command them to attack a particular foe or group of foes. The baatezu attack the indicated foes(s) until they are killed or the spell's duration ends. If the specified foes are killed or the spell's duration ends. If the specified foes are killed and the spell is still active, the baatezu attack the creatures closest to them - which could be the caster and his allies.The material component of summon least baatezu is a freshly killed animal.Source: Guide to Hell p. 23
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