Stygian Ice Storm

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Stygian Ice Storm Conjuration, Summoning
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Time: 1 action
Target: -
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet / 2 levels)
Area: 25 foot radius spread
Effect: -
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Few know the true terror or Baator, let alone the gruesome Fifth Layer. This devastating spell summons the harshest cold and bitter ice of the Fifth Layer of Baator, Stygia, to smite those caught in the storm. As the River Styx flows through the Stygian Ice, so it does in this spell as well. Perhaps if the victims are strong enough to survive this devastation they may live to tell others about the true terror... but the River Styx has a tendency to make people forget. Ice from Stygia is summoned to crush all creatures within the area of effect for 8d8 points of cold damage, with no saving throw. In addition, all creatures in the area of effect must make a Will save or suffer confusion as the spell for d6 rounds due to the immediate contact with the frozen, forgetful waters of the River Styx.By: Christopher AllenImported from a previous version of
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