Steal Youth

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Steal Youth Necromancy, , [Evil]
Level: Clr 8, Drd 8, Death 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Time: 1 round
Target: 1 Creature
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Effect: N/A
Duration: 1 round per level
Save: Fortitude negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes
This vile spell lets a spellcaster steal years from another being's lifespan and use the life energy of these years to grow younger.

The victim (who must be one of the following monster types: Humanoids, Abberations,Animals, Beasts, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Giants. They must also be alive, and at least one year old.) grows a year old for each year stolen so that the spellcaster can grow younger by the same amount. Each round that the caster maintains physical contact with the victim, 1d4 + level years of is transferred from the caster to the victim, with all normal physical (but not mental) attributes changing for both parties as though years were passing by, as per Table 6-5: Aging Effects in the Player's Handbook.

Victims aged beyond their normal lifespans will die of old age unless magically restored. Likewise casters foolish enough to reduce their age to a point below 1 year of age must pass a Fortitude check or die of shock. In both cases the DC of the saving throw is 20 + 1/3 years of age, where age is the natural chronological age of the character.

This spell does have one drawback for the caster, as it sometimes causes the benefits of experience to be lost. Anytime a caster decreases his age by more than 25%, a Will check must be passed at DC 15 + level. If the caster fails this check, some of the wisdom and experience gained through the yearsis lost, and the caster is permentantlydrained of 1d4 levels of experience dueto the loss of the lessons learned from those experiences.

Casters drained below level 1 by this effect do not die from it, but they are reduced to Apprentice members of their class. Furthermore, any bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma the character gained by aging will be lost, if the caster's suffers this drain of life experience.

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