Status Transference

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Status Transference Transmutation
Level: Wiz/Sor 3, Vengeace 3
Components: V, S, M
Time: 1 action
Target: N/A
Range: Personal
Area: 15' diameter cylinder, plus 5' per two levels
Effect: N/A
Duration: 1 roud/level
Save: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell is used by vindictive spellcasters to spread ailments to others near the caster.

Mechanically, the spell takes a condition that the caster is suffering from, and spreads the effect to include any creature within range. This works with any condition in the "condition summary" section of the DMG (starting on page 83): Ability Damaged, Ability Drained, Blinded, Blown Away, Checked, Confused, Cowering, Dazed, Dazzled, Dead, Deafened, Disabled (they aren't actually reduced to 0 hp, but act as if they are), Dying, Energy Drained, Entangled, Exhausted, Fatigued, Flat-Footed, Frightened, Grappled, Held, Helpless, Incapacitated, Incorporeal, Invisible, Knocked Down, Nauseated, Panicked, Paralyzed, Petrified, Pinned, Prone, Shaken, Stable, Staggered, Stunned, Turned, and Unconcious. Of course, you must be able to cast the spell to transfer the condition, so some (like Dead) cannot be logically transferred. Also, you cannot tranfer the "Normal" status (effectively healing all status afflicting those within range).

This spell's effect is an area 5' in radius arund the caster, effectively the area 5' on either side of the character -- the normal threat range. It extends extends by 5' every two levels of the caster (effectively extending it to an area 10' around the caster in two levels, 15' in four, 20' in six, etc.).

The duration of the spell is the duration that the target is afflicted with the status.

Material Component: This spell requires a handfull of the caster's blood, to be thrown in a circle around himself when the spell is cast. The blood is what carries the condition.

By: Jacob Driscoll on 3.30.01 @ 06:15:59PMImported from a previous version of
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