
Carnifex's picture
Spear Evocation, [Force]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Ocean 1
Components: V, S, M
Time: 1 action (or 1 round)
Target: N/A
Range: Personal
Area: N/A
Effect: A triangular field of force in the caster's hand
Duration: Concentration (or until thrown)
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell conjures a weapon of magical energy, a peircing force that is thrown from your fingertips.

The spell generates a force at your fingertips, which you then may throw. The force is, in many ways, like a javelin or spear, and deals peircing-type damage. The spell can be thrown after the spell is completed, in the same round, if the caster takes a full-round action to cast the spell. Otherwise, the spear lasts until thrown, or until concentration on it stops.

When attacking with this force, you make a normal (profficient) attack roll to throw it as a ranged weapon with an incrememnt of 20 ft. The force deals 1d8 piercing damage, and does x3 damage on a critical hit.

Many spellcasters favor this spell to weilding actual weapons in combat, as it keeps their hands free to make magic.

Material Component: This spell consumes, in it's casting, a triangular shaped peice of bone, wood, stone, or metal.

By: Christopher Allen on 5.11.01 @ 08:53:51AMImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com

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