Skeletal Form

Anonymous's picture
Skeletal Form Transmutation, NA, Bloodmoon, Cornugon Werewolf
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M (Material Component is: A powdered piece o
Time: 1 action
Target: One object touched
Range: Touch
Area: One object touched
Effect: Gives object hardness of bone
Duration: 1 hour/lvl
Save: Will Negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes
A useful spell for when things get rough on one's equipment; it gives the subject object the material composition of sturdy bone. The expressions on enemies' faces as they try to tear your magical scrolls and break your potion bottles are, as I have been told, "Priceless". --Kraste'Midjalle'Orae, Dustman Archmage Touched object is transmuted into bone, and gains a hardness of 6, a break DC of 28, and a number of hp equal to 12 for every inch of thickness. However, object retains its flexibility and other such characteristics.Material component is powdered bone.Note: This spell is rarely found outside the libraries of the Dustmen and as such should not be given out lightly to non-members.By: Nicholas TomshoImported from a previous version of
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