Rune of Torment

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Rune of Torment Evocation, , -
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S
Time: 1 full round
Target: -
Range: -
Area: 25 foot radius spread centred on caster
Effect: -
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
Pain, Agony, Suffering, Torment. When the Rune is invoked, even the earth shall resonate its anguish. Torment of the mind. Torment of the body. Torment of the soul. All will be made clear when the Circle is drawn.After the Ultimate Circle is inscribed on the ground, and the Rune explodes, all creatures in the area of effect suffer 20d6 damage, including friendly creatures. There is no saving throw, nor does spell resistance apply.
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