Molecular dampening

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Molecular dampening is the opposed power to matter agitation. Instead of exciting a target’s molecules to increase its internal heat, molecular movement is suppressed to cool it down. Objects can freeze, turn brittle, crack, splinter, or explode due to extreme temperature diminution. The following list describes some of the possibilities, depending on the time the power is maintained:· 1 round: embers die, metal becomes cold to touch, skin bristles (no damage), water condenses around object.· 2 rounds: small fires are reduced to cool embers, bone and chitin become brittle, skin freezes (1d4 damage), liquids freeze.· 3 rounds: large fires are reduced to cool embers, metal and wood become brittle, meat freezes (1d8 damage); damage does not increase after this round, but continues.· 4 rounds: stone and obsidian become brittle.Most objects aren’t destroyed for being frozen and then unfrozen, but can become more “breakable”. Weapons and armor made brittle with this power must make a Fortitude saving throw each time they hit or are hit. Upon failure, weapons break and become useless, and armors get a cumulative –1 penalty to their class. This power does not affect undead creatures.In the Dark Sun™ Campaign Setting, thri-kreen suffer double damage upon each hit when their chitin becomes brittle.
Disciplines: Psychokinesis, None
Level: 1
Display: Audible low-pitched humming
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 2 sq. ft. of surface area of an object or creature
Effect: n/a
Duration: Concentration, up to 2 rounds/level
Save: Nil
Resist: 0
Points: 1
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